I'm really bad at this whole updating thing. It doesn't help that I've been on bedrest since last Wednesday. The dr.'s were concerned about my progression so therefore took me off work completely. I was on vacation all last week, so this is my first "official" week of being on bedrest. I went to see Dr. H on Monday and he measured my belly. OK, I'm 32 weeks, and my belly measures 42 cm. If I were only having one baby, my belly would say that I am 42 weeks along right now. I would be overdue! The good thing, I don't think I look that big. Regardless of how I feel (fat, huge, VERY preggo), I think I look good.
Back to the update.
So, the babies could be here in as few as 2 weeks. Scary, but
SO exciting! I can't begin to tell you how much I am longing to hold them and feel them and smell them. I'm ready to be Mommy.
Dr. H is hopeful that we will be able to deliver without a c-section, however, Baby B is taking after her mommy and is showing herself to be breech. She wants to come out mooning the world!
We still only have the one name. Still not agreeing on another name. Not sure what we're going to do. I guess we'll wait until they are here. I feel bad b/c she doesn't have a name yet and we can't call her by her name.
Well, it's back to resting. Hope everyone is doing well! More updates to come soon, I hope!