Wednesday, February 20, 2008


OK, so I am really bad at this whole blogging thing. So much has happened since October. I guess I got really bad at it when my mom got hit by the truck and then developed breast cancer. Yes, that's right. We had a bad couple of months. But by God's grace, my mom is making a full recover. She had a double masectomy (sp?) as well as reconstructive surgery. The greatest blessing of all is the doctor got all the cancer out of her body and....SHE DOES NOT HAVE TO HAVE CHEMO! We are a truly blessed family.

I have heard about others being blessed with one of God's miracles, but I never knew what one felt like until now. I want to thank EVERYONE for all their prayers. You will never know how much it means to me to know that I have so many people out there that I can rely on.

What else is going on?? Well, I just turned 27 and feeling every bit that old. We are still living in Pekin. We have been homeowners for an entire year as well as husband and wife! That year really flew by. I am currently attending rehearsals for Civic Chorus. The show is in June and it promises to be a good one. I'll let everyone know when the tickets are for sale so you can come see me!

Well, this tired girl is going to bed. It is only Wednesday and I'm so ready for the weekend. Hope you enjoyed catching up with me. I promise to try to write here more often.

Sweet dreams,

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