Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Trip to the Vet

Well, today was our first trip to the vet with Lucy. She was very good. She wanted to play with the vet and the tech. They said everything looks good. She is the perfect weight and body physique. We can start to give her a bath and brush her teeth while she's young. Then she was given her shot. She was such a good girl. She didn't cry or anything. She loved the treats they gave her. And they made a paw print that we get to keep! It's so cute. Now we can always remember how small her paws were.

Then it was Copper's turn. He is the perfect weight and body physique too. He had to get his rabies shot and he was such a good boy. Then he had to get his nails cut. It took 2 techs to hold him down while the vet clipped them. He didn't like that too much. He has to go back in June for his Parvo/disthemper shot. Lucy has to go back on the 23rd for her next shot. Lots of vet time. They loved Lucy though, I mean who wouldn't. She's ADORABLE!

Right now Copper and Lucy are sleeping next to me. They are worn out from their shots. Well, I have to get going. Dinner has to be made and I have Civic Chorus tonight. Have a good night!


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