Sunday, March 9, 2008

Oh No

It's another Sunday night. That means I have to go to work tomorrow and it will probably be another 10 hour day. Luckily, I don't have any plans for tomorrow night, so I should be able to relax a litttle. I think it is going to be a long week though. I really need a vacation and I don't have one until June. And that only occurs after a very long and busy week of Civic Chorus shows (tickets to come soon if you are interested in seeing the show). It promises to be GREAT!
I am very excited about the show this year. I don't think there is a single song that I don't like. I will be able to fill you in on the theme of the show later. I can't tell you all until our director Lisa has given us the ok. But when she does, I promise to tell you.
Well, Dave is getting ready to play Wii. We got a new game with another remote so that we can play together. Well, I have some laundry to do so I better get going. Hope everyone has a FABULOUS week.


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